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Games in Youth Work

From the moment we are born, we begin to learn and develop an understanding of the world around us. We don’t begin with books and lectures, we begin with something much simpler; Play. As children, we all played games, and the games we played helped us to develop physical, social and cognitive skills. Play is often overlooked or marginalised as juvenile or unimportant. As as adults we tend to forget the very meaning of play, and see it purely as something for children, even though we engage in playful activities ourselves. 'Youth Work Games' attempts to help people understand that play is an integral part of the learning process, and as such, can be used to teach on Christian principles.

What Resources are available?

'Youth Work Games' has a number of resources available, including teaching sessions, and Christ inspired games. These resources are free to download, and can be used for both teaching sessions, and personal use.

What are the Reviews?

The reviews are written on existing games of all formats, including digital, board, card and physical games, explaining the risks and benefits that the games present, and how they can possibly be used in youth work. They help to provide an insight into games, for anyone who is interested in finding out more.

Who is 'Youth Work Games' for?

Youth Workers: For youth workers who find they want to explore a new method of communication, have young people interested in games. The resources and reviews available, frovide information on a range of game formats, allowing the use of games that best suit the young peoples tastes.

Parents: For parents who find their children engaging with games (regardless of the format), taking an interest in those games by learning about them, can raise awareness of not only dangers, but also the benefits of games. If concerns arrise, then finding a solution with the child, rather than acting for them, can help to develop their own awareness.

Young People: For those interested in games, but are unsure about a game's content, then there are a number of game reviews available, which explain the pros and cons about specific games. 


If there are any queries about the information portrayed on this site, or you have any specific requests for game reviews or resources, please don't hesitate to send through a message.

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