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Present Wrapping Challenge

This game makes a great team challenge, and is pretty competitive.For this game you will need some small boxes (postal boxes work nicely), wrapping paper (cut to size), and sticky tape (preferably in dispensers to remove the need for scissors).


Players must join together into teams of 2. One person can see the box and the paper, but cannot touch, the other can touch but cannot look. To do this, one person must stand behind the other, and put their arms under the arms of the person in front, while the person in front must keep their hands away from the wrapping area.

Note: For players who do not feel comfortable playing the game in this way, then an alternative is to blindfold one person, while the other person instructs them on how to wrap the present.

When everyone is ready to play, the leader should instruct when the challenge should begin.


There are also various ways to judge a winner, whether it is the team to wrap their present fastest, or which present is the best wrapped at the end of the time limit. Ribbon can also be added to make the game a little more interesting.

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